Friday, August 31, 2007

>> Malaysiaku Gemilang >> Celebrating 50 Years of Independence

As we celebrate our 50th year of independence, let us think what we have contributed to the country?

Someone suggested that we should give them a bigger ground and turns that to be a healthy racing sport, sort of X Games. Why this idea come into picture? I don't know! What I know, "Mat Rempit" mostly from some "group" of "people".

...but when you are from a different "group" of "people", a single "mistake" (even though some "group" of "people" agreed that, it was not a mistake but an expression of thoughts) might caused for jail or even the citizenship.

...and this is our "Merdeka" from logic thinking.

...and this is our

I've copied a "motto" from the net,, which shows the frustration from the silent group.

If it's a Malay problem, it's a national problem; if it's a Chinese problem, it's a racial problem; if it's an Indian problem, it's not a problem.

No legal action will be taken if you do this outside Parliament House. It is definitely not a racial problem. Don't worry! You can try a thousand times, and I can assure you, you will not get caught and throw into jail. But remember, don't ever ever try to think of another version of "Negarakuku".

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