Monday, October 01, 2007

First Day at Work

The first day on a new job can be more harrowing than the process of getting hired. Not only that, the first day on a new job is a lot like the first day of school. You have to find the washrooms and the cafeteria, get all your supplies, meet new people, and maybe do some work.

You know what? The first day of work is the hardest, because we don't know what to expect. Will my boss be a tyrant? Will I be late and forever labeled a slacker?

You may be in a "probationary" period for the first few months of a new job, and watched more closely than other employees. Fellow employees can be harsher judges than the bosses who hired you.

If you take a closer look, you will probably know the corporate culture. When do they take lunch? Out or at their desks? Are they work quietly or chat across cubicles.

With all of the observations that keep you busy, the first day will definitely pass very quickly...

By the way, my boss is still in Houston, I will be probably seeing him in two weeks time.

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