Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mobile Number Portability (MNP)

Mobile number portability is a service that enables mobile telephone customers to retain their existing mobile telephone numbers when they switch from one service provider to another. A number of countries have introduced mobile number portability in recent years such as Hong Kong, United Kingdom, USA, Europe, Australia, South Korea and Taiwan.

The main benefits of MNP to consumers are the costs savings to the porting customer of not having to change telephone numbers, while at the same time having the freedom to choose the supplier with the best overall value.

New operators can benefit from MNP by increasing the potential market share available to them. MNP increases the likelihood that customers of incumbent operators will be willing to switch to a new entrant. Incumbent operators benefit from MNP by allowing full competition for established mobile customers as well as new customers. All operators benefit from MNP by allowing them to market these service improvements they make to maintain or improve their networks to increase their market share.

明年落實, 保留原有號碼



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