Saturday, March 26, 2005

Never be afraid to say what you feel

Try think it back, how many times your boss piss on you, throw you dirty words, and yet, you still keep quiet.

You work like a dog, crawl on the floor, spending all your time for company benefits, and what your boss said?

"Keep up the good work!" (5 words)

If you have done something wrong which is out of your expectation or beyond your control, again, what your boss said?

"^#@^@^@$#%#$@#@#@%@#$@%$ #%%#$%#@&*^%#%$@%^#*@$%&%&&&&$* &$#$^*&*$^&%^@&!#@$#!^^%#@!$^@*&$*$*" (5 minutes)

...and yet, your boss will keep emphasizing:

"First rule, boss is always right"
"Second rule, if boss is wrong, refer to first rule."

1 comment:

qurioz said...

Unlike you, I encounter more problems with the people I work with than my boss (fortunate to have worked with many nice bosses)... the problematic ones whom I work with are those who only know how to speak in the bird language (讲鸟话 or jiang3 niao3 hua4) and then do joint/collaborative work when they don't share what they've already been doing or tell you only a little half-heartedly... I guess that's part & parcel of life.