Netscape Browser, v8.0 BETA
Netscape is going to release a new version of its powerful Internet browser very soon. Currently, the BETA version is available for download.
Netscape browser core will still be the Mozilla. So... no question, the Netscape 8.0 will be as powerful as Mozilla Firefox. Hoo-ray!
About the Mozilla Foundation
Established in July, 2003, with start-up support from America Online's Netscape division, the Mozilla Foundation exists to provide organizational, legal, and financial support for the Mozilla open-source software project. The Foundation has been incorporated as a California not-for-profit corporation to ensure that the Mozilla project continues to exist beyond the participation of individual volunteers, to enable contributions of intellectual property and funds and to provide a vehicle for limiting legal exposure while participating in open-source software projects.
For those people who still stuck with Microsoft Internet Explorer, and still feel the browser is great, is safe, is wonderful, ...keep enjoying it. Hopefully when the next time you turn on your computer, the spyware, pop-ups, viruses all around, then you can just blame those anti-viruses software is not working, and not Microsoft Internet Explorer fault! To download the BETA, go to
*** UPDATE ***
Switching the Rendering Engine
Whenever a web browser (such as Netscape Browser or Internet Explorer) opens a web page, it uses a program called a rendering engine (sometimes called a layout engine or display engine) to "paint" the web page in your browser window. In theory, all web browsers should display the same web page in the same way, however, for a variety of reasons this is not always the case.
For example, Microsoft's web site uses features that have been designed by Microsoft itself (as opposed to using features that have been established by international standards). Therefore, to use all of the features on you must use Internet Explorer's rendering engine. Other web browsers, such as Netscape Browser, are based on an open-source, standardized rendering engine developed by Mozilla. This rendering engine is preferred by many people when accessing sites that do not depend on Microsoft controls.
For several years now, many web surfers have had to struggle with the issue of which web browser to use. Netscape Browser neatly solves this problem by including both rendering engines. You can set Netscape Browser as your default rendering engine, and then switch to Internet Explorer's rendering engine for sites that require it.
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