Wednesday, November 04, 2009


A latte (from the Italian caffèlatte, meaning "coffee [and] milk") is a type of coffee drink made with hot milk. Variants include replacing the coffee with another drink base such as chai, mate or matcha. The word is also sometimes spelled latté or lattè — the incorrect diacritical mark being added as a hypercorrection.

Latteing means someone pretending busy and always need to grab a latte and MIA (Missing-In-Action). This word can be extended to use in situation that someone turned on IM (Instant Messaging) overnight as if he/she work like a workaholic to impress his/her boss that he/she doesn’t need to sleep and work very hard.

Example: hey… stop latteing around!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No the latte fellow telling people not to find fault, but to find remedy. What I am puzzled is, Have he found a remedy from latteing around !!!