Friday, February 06, 2009

Malaysian asshole politicians

Remember these assholes... Nasharudin Hashim, Mohd Osman Jailu, Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi and Hee Yit Foong.

These self-serving, greedy, unprincipled, cowardly and dishonest frogs should be thrown to fire. They have treated the public as stupid, betrayed Perak voters' trust and angered the whole Malaysian public.

Especially Hee Yit Foong, she is the biggest shame to DAP that having her on board. She is not only a disabled woman, but a total brain damage lier.

Should anyone trust a lawmaker like them? Should any voter trust them in the next time they stump for votes? Asshole!!!


Anonymous said...

Perak down, next stop Kedah and Selangor?

Anonymous said...

If this is the beginning of Najib's politics, it bodes danger for the country and the rakyat. It is obvious that this is a man familiar only with cloak-and-dagger politics.

From his meeting with Saiful the sodomy accuser to Jamaluddin the Perak rep, everything smells of a rat.

This latest move by Najib is nothing more than a coup and not a proper transfer of power.

The people of Perak have been robbed and shortchanged and I can assure you that there will be serious repercussions come the next general elections if the BN is allowed to govern Perak in this way.

The rakyat will surely protest and will return with a vengeance at the next general elections.

Either way, the Barisan Nasional government is nearing its end. They are about to be checkmated.

Anonymous said...

















Joean said...





Anonymous said...

After losing in two free and fair by-elections, Najib finally claims victory in Perak by undemocratic means. I was born and grew up in Perak.

The people of Perak gave victory to Pakatan Rakyat on March 8. Now Najib has, with one shake of his witch's broomstick (and God knows what else) taken away from Perak a government led mainly by people who serve the rakyat.

I appeal to Hee, the ex-DAP state assemblyperson. Please think. If you left DAP because of the 'bad' guys there, do you honestly think Najib and his cronies are better?

Some things are more important than money or revenge. Rightly or wrongly, you will forever be remembered as someone who denied Perakians true democracy, and delivered them into the hands of their corrupt oppressor.

Do you honestly think you will get much joy out of being a part of BN? If it were not for DAP, you would not have risen from clerk to deputy speaker.

I also appeal to all Perakians and Malaysians to stand up in whatever way you can, defend what little democracy we have left before it is all taken away.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is how disgusted I am by the conduct of the three defectors from PKR. This goes to show it was all about money and never about the people.

The reps for PKR were voted in for the parties they represented, not the individuals.

And it doesn't surprise me to see two corrupt politicians join the rest of these corrupted as they say birds of a feather, flock together.

The right thing to do is to call for a fresh mandate from the people and let them decide again.

Anonymous said...

Its sickening. Once again the will of the people has been frustrated by the BN government which has used their power and money to lure the required number of reps to take over the Perak government.

It does not take a genius to know where the Pakatan Rakyat weakness was centred. The two reps who defected were involved in a corruption case which was scheduled for hearing on Feb 10.

What was offered to them is a matter of conjecture but their disappearance during the first few days of the Chinese New Year holidays indicated some kind of deal was struck and the two PKR member was going to hop over to BN in order to save their skin.

It would be interesting to see how the corruption case will now proceed. Most likely the powers-that-be behind the BN government will arrange for some kind of show trial which will eventually exonerate them of any guilt.

The only way for Perak to have a government of the people and for the people is to have a snap election which will finally decide which coalition should have the mandate to form the state government.

This can only happen if the Perak Sultan plays a pivotal role by being non-partisan in his decision to call for a snap election. For a democracy to survive and flourish, the sultan must pay heed to the wishes of its people.

The March 8 election which swept Pakatan Rakyat to power was no accident. If BN is allowed to frustrate the will of the people, then change will not happen because they have deemed it fit to cast aside the aspirations of the people.

Anonymous said...

It's over! Her political life should come to the end. No one will want her anymore. Not DAP definitely! MCA or Gerakan will not take such a bastard and get their party into trouble!