Tuesday, April 08, 2008

gOS Space 2.9

Good OS (gOS) and Everex introduced the limited edition MyMiniPC running "gOS Space 2.9", a special version of gOS Linux made for MySpace users, featuring brand new MySpace Apps just weeks after the MySpace API launch. The MyMiniPC targeted MySpace users with it's glossy white case, 3D desktop, and a media center dock stacked with MySpace and Web 2.0 folders for News, Photos, Videos, Music, TV and Movies, and more. All in a system one and half inches tall and weighing two pounds.

gOS 2.9 Space is however also a generic Linux distribution, and is a debugged and extended version of the older gOS V2 Rocket. It can be downloaded as an .ISO that can be burned on a DVD (it's slightly too large for a CD), or can be put on another external boot-able medium like a memory stick, or a Secure Digital card reader acting as an external USB drive, with enough capacity. The DVD will also soon be sold from The Good OS store on their web-site.

gOS space is loaded with new MySpace features, but all the old Google applications can still be used too. As a Linux distro 2.9 is much more complete than 2.0-beta, and less buggy. gOS Space is less "light" (using a small amount of memory) than older publicly available versions, as its based on a combination of Ubuntu 7.10 the Gnome windows manager enhanced with Compiz fusion and the Avant Window Navigator, a Dock like launcher, that has been enhanced with Stacks. According to Good OS there is also Enlightenment (window manager) code used, but it's still unknown for what. In any case gOS Space needs about 384MB of RAM to work reasonably, the same amount as straight Ubuntu 7.10.

The gOS Space dock shows off some of the newest MySpace Apps: “Super Mood,” “Super Graffiti,” “Super Quotes,” and “Current Time.” With Super Mood, users add super sized emoticons and personal updates to their MySpace profiles; with Super Graffiti, users draw pictures on their friends’ MySpace profiles; with Super Quotes, users select fun quotes to display on their profiles; and with Current Time, users add digital clocks to their pages that display their local times in different colors. These MySpace apps can also be found at http://www.pimpmyapps.com.

In addition to MySpace Apps, the gOS Space dock introduces expandable icons: “MySpace,” “News,” “Photos,” “Videos,” “Music,” “TV and Movies,” “Work,” and “Fun.” Clicking the MySpace icon expands to shortcuts for the entire MySpace navigation bar, similar to (if not exactly like) the MacOS X 10.5 (Leopard) Dock and Stacks.

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