Sunday, December 31, 2006

What Google says about the President of the United States - George W. Bush?

This is a very interesting stuff you should try out...

If you search for "failure" on Google, the top result is George W. Bush's biography.
haha... the world ranked the "Mr. President" as a top failure.

Google has denied the political bias on their part, but googlebombing and I strongly believe what they said. Google is simply a company to provide the most accurate result after all.

By the way, forget about the bomb, the world decided he should be the top failure above all. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

George Bush No Longer a Miserable Failure?

There are some blog headlines today (see here and here) that say President George Bush is no longer a miserable failure. But before bloggers at blogs like Blogs for Bush think Bush’s approval rating has suddenly surged and get excited they should read this post from Google.

Nothing has changed with the President’s low approval rating. What has changed is that Google has added a new algorithm that makes Googlebombing impossible or at least much more complex. One of the
most famous Googlebombs was the miserable failure Googlebomb. When
the phrase “miserable failure” was searched on Google the top result was a link to the page. Now the results for miserable failure are just links to articles and posts discussing the miserable failure Googlebomb like this BBC article and the Wikipedia entry.

Anonymous said...

Read this: